viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Religión 3 ESO - 3ª evaluación

Religión 3º ESO - 3ª Evaluación

Repasamos los temas 4 - 5 - 6

1ª parte: Preguntas breves sobre los conceptos principales, repasamos también las actividades realizadas y corregidas. Mirad también la presentación:
- Repasad bien los símbolos, las obras de arte que hemos visto en clase.
- Repasad las notas que tomasteis sobre los documentales y fragmentos de películas (San Pablo, por ejemplo)
- Repasad también los trabajos que se os han mandado, algunos todavía no los habéis presentado. Esos contenidos son importantes.

2ª parte: Preguntas más amplias que podéis responder con el libro, apuntes y tu cuaderno, solo con tus materiales de clase. Podéis llevar a clase la Biblia.

Os puede ayudar también esta presentación interactiva sobre la Iglesia, pentecostés...

La comunidad cristiana

La vida de los primeros cristianos:

El nuevo testamento

La Iglesia

Me podéis escribir con cualquier duda

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Literatura del Neoclasicismo, siglo XVIII

Neoclasicismo, Ilustración, Siglo de las luces...

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Barroco: literatura del siglo XVII

Literatura del Barroco, siglo XVII
Teatro del Siglo de Oro
Lírica barroca, conceptismo, culteranismo
Prosa o narrativa del barroco

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

3º ESO The Three child rulers

3º ESO
Three Child Rulers
Burlington Books

ISBN: 9789963487417

Activity Readers.

1- Lectura con diccionario
2- Lectura con el audio
3- Resumen (un folio como máximo)
4- Responder al menos 7 páginas de las actividades propuestas en las siguientes páginas: 16-17 - 24-25 - 36-37 - 44-45 - 54-55 - 62-63 - 71 - 73
5- Revisa el vocabulario en el Glosario: páginas 64-68
6- Haremos a principios de mayo una sesión oral sobre el libro y una actividad breve escrita de léxico, listening y de respuestas breves.

March and April English sentences 3 ESO

These are the sentences you translated in March and the first fortnight of April:

53- I haven't painted this room since 2012 and it's quite dirty, I will paint it at the weekend.  // 
      I haven't had this room painted since 2012 and it's quite dirty, I will have it painted at the weekend

54-Your nephew and your niece's friend arrived home tonight. They told me they were tired and they went to bed

55- You have been in your room since you arrived home two hours ago.

56- When his sister arrived home, he was listening to music in his bedroom.

57- She has lived in Logroño for seven years and she likes this city very much.

58- Paul, where is your mother? – I don't know but I think she has gone to the supermarket and she will be back soon.

59- How often do you listen to the radio? I listen to music a lot of times a day on the radio

60- My wife and I like dancing very much, but our children don't.

61- Is there anybody there? - Yes, there is somebody near the door, come and talk to him if you want to.

62- I went to London five weeks ago.

63-   My sister likes playing tennis very much, but my brother doesn´t.    

64- What does your friend like doing in his spare time?- He likes writing and reading, he quite likes
playing the piano, he loves listening to classical music, he also likes walking; but he doesn't like running at all.

65- How often do you brush your teeth? Three times a day

66- How much is it ?    How much does it cost?

67- I want to make friends here because we spend a lot of time in the school

68- Who works in this office?

69- My sister arrives home at a quarter to three and she eats at five past three; and so do I

70- What do you like doing in your spare time? - I like studying, I love swimming, I also like listening to music, reading books, writing letters, playing football, playing the piano...

71- What time does the postman come in the morning? - He always comes in the afternoon; so don't wait for him.

72- Paul and his sister think they will be with you here next year

73- How long have you had that small car?

74- I don't know (I haven't met) that Dutch girl and I'd like to talk to her

75- Her brother is a doctor and she comes to the hospital every day because she is a nurse.

76- Have you ever been to Oxford?

77- Who came with you yesterday?

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Puerta de la Asunción. catedral de Sevilla

Los 12 apóstoles en la puerta central de la fachada oeste de la catedral de Sevilla (1449, gótico)

1- Fíjate en los 12 apóstoles y en los atributos. Identifícalos y señálalos sobre un documento con flechas.

2- Para presentar (1-2) a finales de abril. Busca tres obras de pintura, escultura... en las que aparezca algún apóstol con el atributo propio que le identifica. Inserta la imagen y con flechas identifica los atributos, símbolos u otros elementos.

3- En el cuaderno: Actividades 10 y 11, página 63

- Para realizar la actividad 1, te dejo aquí una pista. Puedes señalar, a su vez, si así lo deseas, los atributos en actividad bilingüe, en inglés, español o en ambos.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Write an informal letter

3º ESO:
The deadline is next Wednesday 9th April.

The activity consist of writing an informal letter of about 110-120 words. Please use connectors, different structures, phrasal verbs and so on.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

4º ESO: Modern masters

4º ESO - Modern Masters

Burlingtong Books 

Readers: Activity series.

1- Lectura con diccionario
2- Lectura con el audio
3- Resumen (un folio como máximo)
4- Responder al menos 7 páginas de las actividades propuestas en las siguientes páginas: 14-15 - 22-23 - 34-35 - 42-43 - 52-53 - 60-61 - 69 - 71
5- Revisa el vocabulario en el Glosario: páginas 62-66, solo inglés-español
6- Haremos a principios de mayo una sesión oral sobre el libro y una actividad breve escrita de léxico, listening y de respuestas breves.

3º ESO - lectura: Three Child Rulers

3º ESO
Three Child Rulers
Burlington Books

ISBN: 9789963487417

Activity Readers.

1- Lectura con diccionario
2- Lectura con el audio
3- Resumen (un folio como máximo)
4- Responder al menos 7 páginas de las actividades propuestas en las siguientes páginas: 16-17 - 24-25 - 36-37 - 44-45 - 54-55 - 62-63 - 71 - 73
5- Revisa el vocabulario en el Glosario: páginas 64-68
6- Haremos a principios de mayo una sesión oral sobre el libro y una actividad breve escrita de léxico, listening y de respuestas breves.

Lectura: El blog de Cyrano

Lectura de literatura juvenil: 

Título: El blog de Cyrano

Colección: Gran Angular

ISBN: 9788467555387

Es una novela actual. Combina magistralmente la historia, la afición por escribir o contar lo que te sucede en un blog y el atractivo de una historia de amor.
¿Sabes quién era Cyrano de Bergerac?
Cyrano amaba a la bella Rosanne pero sabía que su amor era imposible, por eso le escribía encendidas cartas que jamás se atrevía a enviarle.

Yo también escribo al alguien imposible, aunque se sienta detrás de mí en clase.


1- Disfrutar de la lectura del libro.
2- Resumen personal (1 folio aproximadamente), cuida la expresión y el léxico.

3- Señala los personajes principales y explica las relaciones entre ellos y sus cualidades, qué desean, en qué triunfan y en qué fracasan. (1 folio aproximadamente).

- Presentarlo a principios de mayo, después del puente. Se puede presentar en papel o digitalmente, como prefieras.

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


Writing for 4º ESO. The deadline is next Monday, on the 24th of March

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Primeras comunidades cristianas, 3º ESO

Primeras comunidades cristianas - Hechos de los Apóstoles - Pentecostés - los 12 apóstoles

Quijote - 3º ESO

Cervantes: Quijote - narrativa renacentista

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

writing 3ºESO and 4º ESO

3rd ESO: the deadline is next Wednesday, 19th March.
4th ESO: the deadline is next Monday, 17th March.(Saint Patrick's Day)

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

February sentences (translation)

                       3º ESO - February sentences (Tranlation)

27- My sister and I can drive now, but we couldn't a year ago.

28- My father is quite tall, like my mother and my sister, but I´m not, aren´t? 

29- How long have you worked in that big shop?  For nine years

30- I want to know if we belong to that team, don't we?

31- Your uncle hasn´t arrive yet, he will arrive on Monday morning. 

32- I don´t think you are going to read this book because it´s very thick and you don't like reading at all. 

33- We have lived in La Rioja for twelve years, haven´t we? 

34- She hasn't written to me since January, four months ago, and I don't know where she lives now   /   [she is living now ].

35- I like going to the leisure centre to see the relay race and fencing

36- How many people are there in that classroom ? 

37- I went to Burgos once and I liked it 

38- They have lived in Calahorra since 1999 and they don't want to go to live in Logroño because they have there everything they need. 

39- Come home and don't talk to your brother because your father has just arrived and he is tired. 

40- My sister likes playing tennis very much, but my brother doesn't.  

41- My nephew has been a vegetarian for three years, and now he doesn't like meat at all 

42- I have just seen tour aunt, she was talking to your mother in the street

43- You needn't go to school on Sundays, it is closed.

44- I came up with a great idea yesterday

45- Most people don't think you are going to study German

46- I have already decided to go there and try the local food.

47- Did you go to the concert? – No, I didn't.

48- If you study several languages and try to speak them, you'll speak much better your own language.

49- When I arrive home I go to the bed and I prefer reading for a while

50- She will be there again next week, won't she? 

51- Ana wants them to come home at eight o´clock 

52- My whole family goes to church at Christmas and on every Sunday.

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Literatura del Renacimiento en esquema

Ascética y Mística del Renacimiento

Ascética y Mística (Literatura del Renacimiento)

3º ESO: Las diapositivas más importantes son:

2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 (inicio) - 9 - 10 - 12 - 13

16 al 19 y de la 21 a 24

- Cántico espiritual: leerlo (sirve para los comentarios)
- Noche oscura del alma: leerlo (te da pistas para los comentarios)

Mística y Ascética

Ascética y Mística - Literatura lírica renacentista

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Pictures to describe, compare and contrast

3º ESO - Writing activity

- These are the pictures Gina showed you last Wednesday. Download them so that you can use them to do the composition for next week. 

- Remember, the activity consists of describing, comparing and contrasting. 

- Use different connectors (and, but, because, although, however...).

- you should also use MIGHT + infinitive, they seem to + infinitive, they look + adjective, ...

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014


4º ESO: Composition.

Deadline: on March the 3rd

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Icono de la Virgen de Vladímir

THEODOKOS, Icono de la Virgen de Vladímir, siglo XII

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

lie - lay - lain --- lay - laid - laid

mentir:  lie - lied - lied -- lying

tumbarse, echarse:  lie - lay - lain -- lying

colocar, poner:  lay - laid - laid -- laying



A box of chocolates

A bar of chocolate:

domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

Future tenses

Future tenses

Future simple (will) and BE GOING TO key TIME expressions:
tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week, next month, in a week, in a month, etc.

We use this to talk about something which will be in progress at a time in the future.
• I will be leaving soon.
. This time tomorrow I will be flying to New York
• Will you be coming to the party?
• I won't be seeing Steve until next week.
Formula: subject + will be + present participle (base verb + -ing)
Key Time Expressions: next, tomorrow, soon, in, later

The future perfect refers to a completed action in the future. We can also use this tense when we project ourselves into the future and when we are looking back at the completed action at a time later than now.
• You will have arrived by then.
• Will you have finished your report on time?
• I will not have left, by the time you read this.
Formula: subject + will have + past participle of verb
Key Time Expressions: by

viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

sentences in English

3º ESO

Here you are the sentences you have already translated into English.
Double-check them to make sure you got them righ.

01- My brother does his homework every day at home

02- What kind of music do you like?

03- Sonia likes reading books (very) much.

04- Your brother was born on February the seventh.

05- Don't worry about your sister, she is always doing very interesting activities. 

06- I want to find out how much time you have been here.

07- We  try to get away for a week or two every summer so as to have a rest.

08- We were so exhausted that we couldn't go on the journey, so we stop to have a rest

09- It's worth taking up football or tennis as your hobby. On the other hand, it is as healthy as interesting.

10- The guests have just arrived home, so go and welcome them. 

11- He wants to complain to my boss about the noise you make here, so stop making that king of noises, please.

12- We came up with that great idea a few days later and finally we managed to do it well

13- Although you are waiting for her, she won't come on time, she's always late.

14- My cousin wants us to go to Lardero with him. It's his father's birthday and he wants to invite us.

15- When Alice was talking to me, Vicky called me up, but I didn’t answer 

16- Is your nephew on holiday? Yes, he is. He has gone to France to speak French. He likes studying languages very much.

17- The scenery was stunning and, although it was sunny every day, the temperatures weren’t too high.

18- They didn't want to come tonight, but they came to talk to us.

19- I prefer a car to a bus when I go on holiday.

20- When your sister's friend arrived home, I was talking to you 

21- She has always got on well with her mother, friends and teachers, she is really a lovely person.

22- How many cars are there in that small street? - I don't know but I think there are twenty-three.

23- What are you doing at home? – I’m playing with my brother and his best friends.

24- Ten minutes later she got off the bus, she was happy, she wanted to go to the cinema, but she didn't see you there.

25- I caught a bad cold last month, but fortunately I got over it before the trip.

26- Your uncle hasn't arrived yet, he will arrive on Monday morning.

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Writing: time spent on TV

4º ESO:

- Write this essay. The deadline is next Monday, January 27 ( 4 ESO )

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

Write an email - 3º y 4º ESO

3º y 4º ESO - Write an email:

- Write this essay. The deadline is next Monday, January 20 (4ESO) and 23 (3ESO).  
- You can use different tenses such as present simple, past and future, but use the present perfect (I have visited, they have studied...). Remember that when you use the present perfect you're making a connection between something in the past and something in the present
- Fill in the three required fields of the email: From, To, Subject.
- Give some advice and recommendations: 
   You should take a map with you...
   If I were you, I would call them up before going there.
   Make sure you you have everything you will need while you are travelling and at your destination
   Make sure you don't leave your tickets and credit card at home.You'll need to bring your passport as well.

- And finally, meet the deadline so as to get a good mark (out of 10, instead of the out-of-6 if you miss the deadline).

Icono ruso de La Santísima Trinidad, de Andrei Rubliov

Icono ruso de La Santísima Trinidad, de Andrei Rubliov (1425)

El autor, Rubliov, monje ruso, escogió este pasaje (que hemos analizado en clase) de la hospitalidad de Abrahán bajo la encina de Mambré para representar simbólicamente a la Trinidad

Para Abrahán, ofrecer hospitalidad es acoger al mismo Dios.

Gen 18, 1-19
El Señor se apareció a Abrahán en el encinar de Mambré, mientras Abrahán estaba sentado a la entrada de su tienda de campaña, como a mediodía. 
Abrahán alzó la mirada y vio a tres hombres que estaban de pie frente a él. Al verlos, se levantó rápidamente a recibirlos [...]